American movie actress, sex symbol of the 1950s, singer and model
Poverty and loneliness, which accompanied the girl from birth, left an imprint on her fate. Not out of great love, but out of longing sixteen-year-old Norma accepted the proposal of 20-year-old James Daugherty, but the marriage wasn't successful
Norma Jeane Mortenson was born on June 1, 1926, in Los Angeles. From childhood she faced  difficulties: her mother lacked the means to raise her, and Norma Jeane spent most of her time in an orphanage
In 1944, she began her career in a modeling agency and took the artistic pseudonym we all know — Marilyn Monroe.

Already in the 1950s, starring in various films, she achieved real fame in Hollywood!
always felt I was a nobody, and the only way for me to be somebody was to be - well, somebody else. Which is probably why I wanted to act.
Some Like It Hot
melodrama, Comedy
USA, 1959
Musicians Joe and Jerry have witnessed a murder. Now they need to hide, and they decide to go to Florida. In order to make sure that no one recognizes them, the heroes disguise themselves as women
The Seven Year Itch
melodrama, comedy
USA, 1955
Richard Sherman is a married man who is also a book publisher. His wife and son go out of town, leaving the hero alone. One day a pot falls on his balcony, and the reason is a blond neighbor with a deep cleavage. Richard invites her to be his guest and begins to lose his mind little by little
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Musical, melodrama
USA, 1953
Dancers Lorelei and Dorothy go to Paris on tour, trying to find suitors at the same time. Lorelei meets Gus and thinks that he could be her husband. However, the father of the potential groom thinks that the young blonde wants money, so he hires a detective to find out more about her
Dancers Lorelei and Dorothy go to Paris on tour, where Lorelei meets Gus. However, the father of the potential groom thinks that the young blonde wants money, and therefore hires a detective to learn more about her
est roles
Twenty movies with her participation brought in the box office more than 200 million dollars. Within the studio system Monroe was bound by a contract with the 20th Century Fox studio, because of which, being one of the most sought-after actresses of the 1950s, at the same time was among the least paid stars in Hollywood
Her charm and elegance attracted millions of fans around the world. However, this outer beauty hid inner difficulties. Marilyn suffered from depression, health problems, and difficult relationships with men
ollywood is a place where they’ll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty cents.
In 1962, at the height of her career, Marilyn Monroe died at the age of 36 from a drug overdose.

Her death remains one of the most mysterious and debated events in Hollywood history
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